Health Informatics

PartnerSolutions Health Informatics is comprised of a number of Mental Health and Recovery Services Boards and provider agencies in the northeast Ohio region who have come together to establish a shared electronic health records system. 

Within this system each participating organization maintains its own separate identity and ensures that the health information for its clients is maintained in accordance with applicable rules and regulations. At the same time, by acquiring a state-of-the-art electronic health records system and operating it through a collaborative arrangement, the members of the Consortium are able to accomplish the following:

  • Ensure that vital medical information is recorded accurately and completely and that it is available in a timely manner whenever and wherever needed.
  • Promote the use of “best practice” treatment protocols in service planning.
  • Facilitate communication and information-sharing when multiple providers are involved in service delivery and need to coordinate their efforts.
  • Increase staff efficiency and productivity, so that more people can be served and at lower cost.
  • Achieve economies of scale through joint purchase and shared administration of the system.
  • Reduce medical errors and provide alerts about possible adverse medical reactions.
  • Provide client access to their medical records through “patient portals,” thereby allowing them to become more active and involved participants in the planning and delivery of services.
  • Enhance the security and privacy safeguards for protecting confidential medical information.

Current Members of the PartnerSolutions Health Informatics Consortium:

Ashtabula County:

  • Ashtabula County Mental Health and Recovery Services Board
  • Lake Area Recovery Center – Ashtabula

Jefferson County:

  • Chrysalis Health Ohio – Columbus

Montgomery County:

  • ADAMHS Board for Montgomery County
  • Nova Behavioral Health, Inc. – Dayton
  • PLACES, Inc. – Dayton

Portage County:

  • Children’s Advantage – Ravenna
  • Mental Health & Recovery Board of Portage County
  • Townhall II – Kent

Stark County:

  • Stark County Mental Health & Addiction Recovery
  • Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health – Canton
  • CommQuest Services, Inc. – Canton
  • Stark County TASC – Canton


  • Trumbull County Mental Health and Recovery Board
  • Cadence Care Network – Niles

Wayne/Holmes Counties:

  • Mental Health & Recovery Board of Wayne & Holmes Counties
  • Anazao Community Partners – Wooster



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